Sunday, April 19, 2009

Money For Kids/Teenager

I watched Oprah Winfrey show recently and they were discussing about "how to educate kids about money"...maybe as Malaysian we take it easily..

I am looking forward to implement all the tips that have been discussed to educate my son Rafiq when he grow up...

1)Pocket Money?Is it worth it to give to your kids pocket money every month?Do they know how we as a parent struggling to earn that money?Well it depends...

So, in order to give the pocket money to your kids, they have to earn it.But how?As a parent, we can ask them to clean up house,garden or tidy up their simple right?so to them,they will think they have to work to earn money...not simply get "Free Money".

Mostly Malaysian parent they stuck with the inherit concept which is "Kesiannya anak aku..", "Ambillah duit nie nak...".The consequences:of course the kids will use their parent to get anything that they want without have to struggle to get it..and the dramatic part when the parent can't afford anymore to give the money as usual to the growing the question is..Who should we blame for this situation?The parent?The kids?Well personally, I will blame the parent, who take for granted in order to teach their kids about money..They potray themselves as a "Bank" to their kids..When the kids grow as a young adult..they can't stand independently..and the parent didnt realize what have they did to their children will haunted them back day by day..

That's why as a parent,it is really important to us to gain as much knowledge to educate our children...

2)Show all the bills to your children..
So they can view all the single cents that you have to pay for the bills..This also will educate them to be more saving in term of using electricity,water and etc..

Educate your children to start saving even they just 5 years will make them feel as a responsibility and fun to them..

Children is like white canvas,it is our responsibility to color them...Hopefully my beloved Rafiq will be a good "Money Advisor" for himself...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rafiq's pic Archive

Rafiq(in the middle) with his cousins Ayel(left) and Aki(right)

at Genting HighLands(1 year old)

with his atuk and nanny...

with his Acu...

with Tasha(anak Intan-UTM)

at Toys R' us(6 month)

6 month..

4 month...

2 month-during Majlis Cukur Jambul

Financial (Free+Survive)

Recently I watched The Oprah Winfrey Show.The show was talking about Financial Crisis nowadays especially in America.Financial expert Suze Orman was explained on how to survive in this chronic situation.

1) pay off your credit card(Thank God I already paid off loan from my mother in on the interest part..and I will never never never apply or use credit card anymore...this was a big lesson for me!).

and check out this debt eliminator calculator ..

2)invest your money..
For us Malaysian:
a)Unit Trust
b)ASB-Bumiputera only(max 200K)..I am looking forward to topup my ASB ...

try this compound interest calculator to plan your saving needs..

3) Differentiate between the needs and wants..I really focus on this right now..I am holding what ever my "wants" item and try to save as much as I can...

4)Saving for Emergency.
You need at least 8 month of salary amount as a emergency saving..I also looking forward to ensure I got enough emergency saving for the future...

5)Saving for your Retirement

check out this link on how much you need to save for retirement according to you age..

Happy Saving+Investing-Credit Card

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Impress people with money?

I totally disagree with this. I prefer to impress people with my knowledge,talent,credibility not u think if you have a lot of money, you can "BUY" people like buying groceries at pasar malam? This what happening in our culture right now and it is acceptable by these people..Moreover there are people who like to use their parent property to show off and claimed as their properties..Hate these guys unless you earn it to get it

I hope all parent out there realise they are educating their children as if "If u dont know make a lot of money, u are useless!"..Yes I agree we need money to afford material,but please dont make it more important than our value,pride as a mankind..not as a "Money Slave"

...I will not educate my son to adapt with this culture..

When he grow up,I will ask him to stand on his own and yes I will teach him a long the way especially on Financial Education.Because we never been taught in school about how to handle Financial once we are facing up real world out there. Education Ministry should consider to include Financial Education in high school.Therefore,when we step into the real "Money" world, we have enough background to handle our money wisely.


Rafiq,my beloved son is my pride..what can I say about him..adorable,naughty,charming,.

He makes my life complete as a mother. I wish that i can spend more time with him. As a working mother, it is a huge responsibility to organize work,hubby,kid,myself,house at the same time..but it really-really worth it when I spend my time with Rafiq..

My experience to give birth to Rafiq is horrible+terrible..really painful..I was induced at 10 am and deliver 3pm..and please I didnt take any epidural ok to overcome the pain..and its really-really painful.. Imagine that I can screamed 5 hours a long the way non stop..Luckily my mother and my hubby was there to keep me accompany..During that time, I can screamed at the nurse to call the doctor..really-really painful..I shouted to the nurse "Panggil doktor sekarang jugak..Do Something!"crazy right? is crazy because of the painful...So jgn sesekali melawan ckp seorang ibu(I've have been in this position and I really-really sorry to my mom...)

Nama Muhammad Rafiq is sempena Diari Ramadhan Rafiq at tv3...ya I delivered Rafiq in Ramadhan..During that time Rafiq is the first granchild and a nephew in both family..So can u imagine that!

My Work

Today I proposed Quality Assurance procedure to my head department..So far ok but need to do a few changes..I luv Quality Assurance job and enjoyed doing it..I can do programming but I not really enjoyed it as much as QA job..

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Family

with my hubby

with my parent
with my parent in law family

I am married to Muhammad Fadhlan on 3/12/2005...We knew each other since high school when we was 13 years old (tingkatan 1... OMG)..there are a lot of challenge and obstacle that we going through to get married.. ya..and it is be faith that we are made for each other..

I dont know what makes me fall in luv with my hubby at the first place,but what i know is I falling in love with someone...

On 15 Oct 2006,I gave birth to my beloved son Muhammad Rafiq.Now he is 3 years old..Thank God..

Favourite TV series

I really-really luv to watch:

Friends...I'll be there for u.....
It makes me alive and happy while watching all these stunning characters..They are really-really gorgeous...

Of course..The Oprah Winfrey Show
It gives me a lot of information on Financial,Health and Woman issue,Life,Family and others.Since i watched this show, it makes me more confident,knowledgeable and luv myself..

It is a very competitive spirit between all the participants..luv the energy...

OMG..I Really fall in luv with this guy..Jamie Oliver..The Naked Chef Show..Although i'm not good in cooking but i luv to watch cooking that weird?ya..i am weird..

My Wish List

These are what i really,really,really want in my life...HappY Reading..:)

1.I want to go to:

Zurich ,Switzerland



2.I wanted to have:
Lovely Housemy own Internet/Home Bussiness
..still figuring it out...

3.I Luv to learn:

Po fa wor..Please...
Ki pa sa?..What happened?

4.During my retirement, I wish that I have RM1 Million in my Saving Account!So I can travel all around the world..Is it possible?..I will make it possible:).How i am going to do that?Emm..still figuring it out..One way is Compound Interest..

5)I want to have Insurance for my Family as preparation for future...I am aware it is really important but couldn't afford now but really looking forward to have it..


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