I watched Oprah Winfrey show recently and they were discussing about "how to educate kids about money"...maybe as Malaysian we take it easily..
I am looking forward to implement all the tips that have been discussed to educate my son Rafiq when he grow up...
1)Pocket Money?Is it worth it to give to your kids pocket money every month?Do they know how we as a parent struggling to earn that money?Well it depends...
So, in order to give the pocket money to your kids, they have to earn it.But how?As a parent, we can ask them to clean up house,garden or tidy up their bedroom..it simple right?so to them,they will think they have to work to earn money...not simply get "Free Money".
Mostly Malaysian parent they stuck with the inherit concept which is "Kesiannya anak aku..", "Ambillah duit nie nak...".The consequences:of course the kids will use their parent to get anything that they want without have to struggle to get it..and the dramatic part when the parent can't afford anymore to give the money as usual to the growing kids..now the question is..Who should we blame for this situation?The parent?The kids?Well personally, I will blame the parent, who take for granted in order to teach their kids about money..They potray themselves as a "Bank" to their kids..When the kids grow as a young adult..they can't stand independently..and the parent didnt realize what have they did to their children will haunted them back day by day..
That's why as a parent,it is really important to us to gain as much knowledge to educate our children...
2)Show all the bills to your children..
So they can view all the single cents that you have to pay for the bills..This also will educate them to be more saving in term of using electricity,water and etc..
Educate your children to start saving even they just 5 years old..it will make them feel as a responsibility and fun to them..
Children is like white canvas,it is our responsibility to color them...Hopefully my beloved Rafiq will be a good "Money Advisor" for himself...
15 years ago